This is a very silly little ditty I wrote for my dog. It is not a
true ode (I have adopted this
looser definition) nor does it follow the basic rules of the English language, but I had fun writing it and it used up half an hour of quiet time at work.
Before you came along
I was a person for cats
With their little pink paws
Chasing little toy rats
Now you have gone
And stolen my heart
I love you like a child
I hate when we part
Your face is full of expression
Happy, sad, excited, dismayed
And even though you cannot speak
I often know what you are trying to say
You are a constant joy
Even when sleeping
You whimper and run
I wonder what you're dreaming
Sometimes you eat my favourite shoes
Which makes me very sad
But only for a little while
At you, I can never stay mad
I love from your silky ears
To your curly little tail
You are such a handsome boy
To me, all other dogs pale
I am covered in bruises
Because you are a giant
But so sweet and timid
And rarely defiant
Your name is really Dane
But I call you Ono
Mama's a little crazy
But she loves you, you know

On a completely different note, I saw Borat last night - I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my entire life and certainly not at a movie. I thought I was going to be sick I was laughing so hard.