And the angle shot;

I purchased the fabric at the beginning of the year to make a patchwork quilt (also inspired by a rosy little quilt) but then I started studying part time and haven't had time to make anything all year. Which is really rather fortunate as I love these colours for this quilt much more.
I have these two resourses absolutely invaluble and Australian too! I have also made my life easier by printing hexagons from MS Word onto wasted A4 paper (I work in an sinfully wasteful office). This makes for much more accurate hexagons (which is so vital to this quilt) and also saves so much time - beauty! To make these hexagons in Word just draw a hexagon of any size and then edit to the dimensions 3.9cm high and 4.5cm wide or any size you like.
I enlisted the help of my mum because it is going to be such a big job but I didn't realise how much we would bond in the process. We send each other little packages with fabrics and threads and tiny gold plated quilting needles and are just having a jolly time.
Here is a pin cushion my mum made for me to hang on the arm of my chair;

It is hard to see how truly gorgeous this little regency house cross-section is from my dodgy scan, but you can get a small inkling. Apart from the precious colors, I love checked wallpaper of the upper levels and the spacious be-arched basement (I like to make up my own words). I highly recommend this book for the pictures alone but there also seems to be a wealth of written information as well.
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