Sunday, March 04, 2007
My obsession
I am also re-reading Anne of Green Gables again as part of Sarah's Avonlea Book Club. I 'discovered' Anne quite late in life. I read some of L.M.M.'s books when I was a vacuous youngster but didn't really become obsessed until I bought a copy of Anne of Green Gables at my old primary school fete about three years ago. Since that fateful day I have been addicted. I get into fierce ebay bidding wars, spend ridiculous amounts on shipping for books from Canada and keep my precious books in brown paper bags to protect them from dust and sunlight. Yes, I am tragic, but I don't care - these books really bring me so much joy. Whatever mood I am in they never fail to cheer me and fill me with a sense of wonder.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
A new beginning
It began last Wednesday with orientation. This was a great introduction to University (as I have never been before) and made me feel a lot more at ease with this big transition. The teachers seem really lovely, down to earth and helpful, although with a class of two hundred they have a big job ahead of them. Uni seems to be a much more organised organisation than Tafe, I think this is out of necessity. Web based learning seems to be a big part of the course, I hope not too much (I am dreading this first months internet bill)!
On my return to work, I was training the new old girl (she used to work in the head office of the company) and I don't think I have worked so hard in the whole two years I was there. I feel confident I am leaving my job in good hands, but with all the exitement I am feeling, to be honest it doesn't really concern me.
Monday starting with an 8am lecture! (I thought I was supposed to be scaling back my early mornings). Fortunately it seems to be a relatively easy subject and not too taxing on the brain for that time of morning. The rest of the week is at more reasonable hours, with nearly a whole day of lectures on Fridays and nothing on Wednesdays. I feel at a bit of a loss at the moment with all this free time, but I am sure it will soon be filled with much studying (I plan to ace all my courses) and part time work. For now I am just enjoying having a bit of a break and enjoying my daylight hours!
And so begins a brand new phase in my life and I couldn't be happier.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Catch up
I love to make my own stationery and will avoid sending mail, Christmas cards or thank you notes if I haven't made anything myself. This is terribly rude and even though something bought would be preferable to nothing (and most people probably don't even care) it is a quirk I cannot shrug.
I found this thank you note I made a couple of years ago during my cutesy phase (I don't know if I will ever grow out of this phase - but it was definently more pronounced during this period) to send to my Auntie Janny. She sent me some lovely fabric for my quilt.
I also found a tiny Puss-in-boots I was making from this period which I would like to finish (although I think I have enough projects on the go at the moment).
Here is a new letterhead (for lack of a better word) that I made yesterday to send to my cousin. Those are her initials in the corner. It is done in a very poor imitation of the Art Nouveau style (my current phase) and it looks kind garish and childish in its scanned form and with those colours. I would like to make some monogrammed stationery for myself but some kind of printing method (lino or lithograph?) would be a better option than pen and watercolours for such repetitive work. Anyway, enough thinking out loud.
Have a lovely week!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Six more days!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Only seven working days to go...
This contradicts my last post in which I remarked on the kindness of everyone - what I should have said was the majority of the office are being lovely, and the unfortunate minority are just being their usual selves. Fortunately, their moods and demands are no longer my problem. Hoorah!
(Sorry for being such a downer, I just wanted to get it out - like my hero L.M.M. - "Temperaments such as mine must have some outlet, else they become morbid and poisoned by consuming their own smoke".)
Although I am not as good as expressing myself as L.M.M., I do become morbid and poisonous when I don't have an outlet, although I don't always have to have a write or talk about my problems, just making things works as an outlet for me (obviously not today).
Monday, February 12, 2007

It is a pendant from Kathleen's beautiful Par Avion series that she made for me in return of some Rock Star stamps that I mailed her. I didn't expect anything in return and certainly not something this lovely. I am touched.
In a strange coincedence I also received The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Vol. I - V from nearly four months after I ordered them (they came by sea). Hooray!
I put in notice at my work today and everyone is being lovely, maybe they are just happy to be rid of me - just kidding. Not long to go now! (only two weeks in fact - eek).
Quote of the day: Three years goes in three years no matter what you do with it. - K.M. my workmate on my next three years of full time study. So insightful and so true!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Michelle Conley - Student Nurse

I've been accepted into Nursing School at Griffith University! I'm beginning a new life in a big hospital. It was kind of a last minute decision, I only put my application in a couple of weeks ago.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Underwater Wonderland

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Op Shop Adventures
January has been a good month for thrifting. I found a beautifully handcrafted dress which was dated 1973 by the seamstress. Only eight dollars, what a bargain!

I also found this teacup and saucer made by Australian Potters, Sovereign for one dollar and this very photogenic little poodle for free! (with $5 Polaroid camera).

The last item of note is a nautical Yves Saint Laurent scarf which I intended to make into a dress after seeing a dress made out of scarves on a girl in line at Bunnings. Although, I don't know if I will be able to bring myself to cut it up - maybe it will live out its life with me as a scarf.
Note to self: Drama is very important in life: You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama if it's done right. Even a pancake. - Julia Child.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
More patches

Monday, January 15, 2007
Rhubarb (and Apple) Delicious

into this;
The rhubarb is home grown, I bought it from a little stall on the side of the road at Mount Tambourine.
Speaking of home grown, I've been growing some produce of my own.

I checked out the 2006 Conrad Jupiters Art Prize and Surfing the 60s: A journey of discovery exhibitions at the Gold Coast Art Gallery yesterday. It was wonderful to see all the diverse works of art by artists from all over the country. I cast my vote for the People's Choice award, which was really quite difficult - I do not envy the judges!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Life is sweet
Apart from being back at work already, I have had a lovely start to the year. On new year's day I went for a drive to Mount Tamborine. It is only half an hour away, but everything is so much more vivid and fresh up there. Some of my favorite things were; the way the red clay dyes the concrete footpaths and driveways, the agapanthas - we have them down here as well but the colour of them is so intense up there, sweet little butterflies enjoying the mass of plant life and the rolling hills and valleys stretching for miles and barely inhabited by humans.
In the evening Graeme and I took Dane to the beach for a run. The water was lukewarm despite this extremely temperate (for Queensland) summer. As lovely as this summer is, the change in climate is concerns me. It makes me feel a little helpless sometimes. The earth is such a beautiful place it makes me sad to think of the damage we are doing to it, even when we try not to.
Two nights ago I had a moonlight dance in the rain. The droplets were fat and happy, the clouds were purple and the moon was full. I would say the moon made me crazy, but it is too late for that. My soul was refreshed and my heart full of joy.
I hope I can have many more lovely times with nature this year.
I am kind of glad not many (if any) people read this because a lot of the things I write here are a little queer and don't come out quite right - maybe I could keep some things in my Moleskines only.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Farewell 2006, Hello 2007