I've been accepted into Nursing School at Griffith University! I'm beginning a new life in a big hospital. It was kind of a last minute decision, I only put my application in a couple of weeks ago.
I am looking forward to helping people (especially children) and having more daylight hours to myself. I will also be no longer working for The Man - yay.
In even more exciting news, I am planning a ski trip to New Zealand in July. In preparation I have started knitting this in bright cornflower blue Jet (pattern by Patons);

I might make mine a little shorter; my poor, stumpy, little legs don't need any more cutting off. I'm thinking about changing the collar as well - the current garter stitch collar doesn't seem (to me) to go with the detail of the rest of the jacket.
I like this collar (in fact I like the whole thing - but that is a whole other project).

Oh, congratulations! Yay! Off to uni....it goes back soon you know? Eeek, I'm so freaking out about going back after all this time!
Oh, I LOVE New Zealand! The jumpers are great - you can actually knit them? Wow, I'm in awe of knitters as I'm totally hopeless.
I am kind of in denial, full time study always freaks me out a lot - nearly to panic atttack stage, I'm ashamed to say I pulled out of a course for this reason. But we are both going to be ok - I can't wait to see some of your wonderful assignments!
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