Since the the week before my wedding I have been struggling with hatred of my three sisters-in-law and mother-in-law and I don't like the person I have become because of it - bitter, untrusting, cynical. So recently I have been searching for ways to forgive them and be at peace with them. Something I have been finding increasingly difficult as their offensive behaviour is ongoing and traumatic, however I don't want their penchant for conflict to affect my marriage or the life of this precious little girl.
A tip I found here is to journal about the positives or benefits that have come from the situation so here they are;
Positive number 1 - it has confirmed for me that the vows my husband and I took on our wedding day are for real and made me see what a good man my husband is. Despite his (somewhat misplaced) loyalty towards his family of origin, he is with me for better or for worse.
Positive number 2 - I treasure and appreciate my own family in such a deeper, richer way.
Positive number 3 - I am more discerning of people and their motives. Not all people are nice, it's a good thing to know.
Positive number 4 - empathy, especially for my mother who struggled with forgiveness of her family. I was under the false impression that forgiveness was easy - HA.
That is all I can think of for now and I am not entirely convinced I believe what I have written. It's a work in progress.
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