Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas List

I am very, very boring this week so in the absence of anything better to post I am scraping the bottom of the barrel and listing what I want for Christmas (or sooner!).

I am dying to have a yellow pear necklace watch from Marc by Marc Jacobs. Dyyyyying.

I would also like a Holga and some film.

I want a large wide brimmed straw hat to protect my pasty face this summer.

A Clover pincushion ring would be nice.

Ohh, and some of those cute patterned flats all the kids are wearing these days.

My graduation ceremony is tomorrow so I have taken the rest of the week off work - yay! Hopefully next time I will have a more exciting post although I am not counting on it.

1 comment:

Shell said...

Hey Michelle! I'm Michelle too! Lovely to meet another Aussie blogger (found you through a comment on LiquiSkyArts). Your list of wants is small - I'm ashamed to say that mine is huge!!!! But I won't get much of it I'm sure.

Lovely to visit you - I'll add you to my Aussie blogs links list. :)